Installing groops on Arch (Manjaro)
marcianito opened this issue · 2 comments
I just wanted to share a bug/problem and fix I found while installing groops.
I am on Manjaro (Arch) and so I followed the respective instructions for installation.
using AUR
I always got an error like [ip] could not connected: timeout.
building from code
I downloaded the code and tried to build myself but got an error concerning file inputOutput/file.cpp
second (sucessful) try with AUR
Investigating a little more I somewhat found the problem. It seems that the AUR package have an insufficient "adress".
The solution is statet here Jguer/yay#1729
So basically what fixed the AUR installation:
yay -S --editmenu groops-git groopsgui-git
Then you have to edit the line in PKGBuild that says "source" from
to git+https://repo-adress
And installation when smoothly.
Hi, thanks for sharing this issue. The AUR GROOPS package was created by @x49, so maybe they can use this information to fix it?
I updated the groops-git and groopsgui-git AUR packages with the best practices you pointed out, thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing the appropriate fix.