
How to configure will params in demo.yaml

baycxh opened this issue · 3 comments

How to configure will params in demo.yaml , is there any params to be configure and what's the pattern?

Hi @baycxh.
Which params do you want to configure? If you run mosquitto in local, you can use demo.yaml as it is.

@ledmonster Thanks for your answer. I want to know how to set the will params in the configure to ensure the last message from client is sent.

Oh, I see. I haven't tried, but this may work.

    protocol: 4      # MQTTv311
    host: localhost
    port: 1883
    keepalive: 60
  private_path: device/001
    topic: some_topic
    payload: some_payload
    qos: 0
    retain: false
    # properties: # we don't support this option, since it needs to be a Properties instance.

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