Using --out with html does not produce a valid file
expxiaoli opened this issue · 4 comments
It has multiple <html>
Since this is all parallelized the format options would not work out-of-the-box (all processes would write to the same file -> overwrite each other), and the require option could be fixed by having the require inside of the test.
But if you find a way to fix it with a pull request I'd merge it :)
I had the same problem so I went ahead and wrote a fix.
Hopefully you approve of the solution applied :)
This should be closed with v0.3. However, if you are using a JUnit or any custom parser that generates .xml, make sure you normalize the xml file so that you do not have two root elements. My solution for this involves splitting the combined file into multiple files again, making several valid xml files to be used in whichever way you want.
That could be a very dirty job since they might not be easy to combine, I'll change the title of this issue and leave it for whoever wants the feature / your blog post :)