
Get Route Information from OSM

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

the script obtains some attributes from the route from OpenStreetMap, such as reference number (ref) and the name. And then there are additional attributes hard-coded in the script, these are:

  • route_desc
  • route_url
  • route_color
  • route_text_color

Those should be pulled from OpenStreetMap and not be hard coded.

The tagging schema provides tags on bus routes for description, colour and we can also add website. For the text color we could either come up with a new tag in OSM or define it in the script's config file (#3)

grote commented

If that is fine to add those to OSM, that is indeed the best way to get this information. When you re-edit the Floripa routes, could you maybe also add the colors while you are at it? Adding the route_url/website is probably a bit more work.

The text_color then should be also part of the OSM data. If there's a colour tag, there could as well be a text_colour as well. Both are optional in the GTFS spec, so if they don't exist, they will just not be added to the route.

This is related to default implementation for route creation (#26) and refactoring OsmHelper #31

I made some progress on this in the context of #76 and included in the work for #96. Now all tags from OSM are getting passed on to the creators and within #30 the desired information for GTFS are initialized attributes on the classes and their objects representing the data.

Resolved with accepted PR #99