
Boxing a dictionary of type [String: Any]

njdehoog opened this issue · 9 comments

Hey @groue, was wondering if you could help me out with an issue I have. I have a dictionary of type [String: Any] which contains metadata for the files I'm rendering. Any advice on how I can make this work with the MustacheBoxable protocol?

Hi @njdehoog!

Swift won't help making [String: Any] adopt MustacheBoxable because Swift won't help any specialization of a generic type adopt any protocol. So this is not the way to go.

A solution is to turn your dictionary into a [String: MustacheBox] by turning each dictionary value into a box. Any is not an easy type to deal with: I hope you know the actual type of your dictionary values.

For example:

let dictionary: [String: Any] = ["a": 1, "b": "foo"]

var boxDictionary: [String: MustacheBox] = [:]
for (key, value) in dictionary {
    switch(value) {
    case let boxable as MustacheBoxable:
        boxDictionary[key] = Box(boxable)
        // Process here eventual boxable value that does not adopt
        // MustacheBoxable such as collections, dictionaries, filters, etc.

let template = try! Template(string: "{{a}}, {{b}}")
try! template.render(Box(boxDictionary))
// "1, foo"

Tell me if this helps.

BTW: Today I'm reluctant to add such a conversion function to the library, because there are types that are definitely not boxable, and I try to prevent such "unsafe" functions to get their way into the public API. We'll see how frequently your question is raised: the library is still young, so are Swift skills.

@njdehoog I added a paragraph in the documentation to help make things more clear:

Thanks for the explanation and the updated documentation @groue! I got it to work in the way that you described, but you made a good point about using more explicit data types, so I am now in the process of refactoring the code to do just that.

I'm quite interested in your feedback. What kind of app code your writing? A standalone app, a library?

I'm writing a static site generator purely in Swift. Will let you know if I have any feedback on this library. So far it looks great! What do you use this library for yourself?

GRMustache.swift has been my way to learn Swift.

I've been shipping the Objective-C GRMustache in several applications, to generate HTML pages or emails. This is where I could wrap my head around the feature set of the library. The Swift GRMustache has inherited all this experience, and is already pretty rich. But I haven't yet used it in any real application. I hope Swift 2 reveals robust enough :-)

Since you're writing a static site generator, you may well have a use for the template caching provided by TemplateRepository: don't miss this class.

Thanks for the tip! I will keep that in mind.