Is it Possible to passe text from template to a function?
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mackoj commented
Hello, thank you for creating and maintaining GRMustache. I apologize for any inconvenience, but I have a question.
Is it possible, using GRMustache, to extract text from a template to pass it to a function? I've gone through the documentation, but I don't have the impression that it's feasible to provide a function with a parameter coming from the template rather than from the render method.
I've prepared a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve. Do you think this would be possible?
func canThisBePossible() throws {
let extractDataFromJSONFile = VariadicFilter { (boxes: [MustacheBox]) in
guard let fromFile = boxes[0].value as? String
else { throw "Failed to extract fromFile from boxes[0] = \(boxes[0].value)" }
guard let jsonPath = boxes[1].value as? String
else { throw "Failed to extract jsonPath from boxes[1] = \(boxes[1].value)" }
guard let transformer = boxes[2].value as? String
else { throw "Failed to extract transformer from boxes[2] = \(boxes[2].value)" }
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: fromFile)
else { throw "File \(fromFile) don't exist" }
guard FileManager.default.isReadableFile(atPath: fromFile)
else { throw "File \(fromFile) is not readable" }
guard let dataTransformer = mapper[transformer]
else { throw "Data transformer not found for key \(transformer)" }
guard let loadFile = try? String(contentsOfFile: fromFile)
else { throw "Failed to transform \(fromFile) data to a String" }
// JSONPath data extraction using Sextant
guard let extractedData = loadFile.query(paths: jsonPath)?.first as? String
else { throw "Failed to find data from \(fromFile) at path \(jsonPath)" }
return dataTransformer(extractedData)
let template = try Template(string: #"var backgroundColor: Color = {{ getToken("component/badge/ios.json", "$.vp.component.badge.primary.color.background.default.value", "Color") }}"#)
template.register(extractDataFromJSONFile, forKey: "getToken")
// var backgroundColor: Color = DesignTokens.Semantic.Color.containerHighlight"
let rendering = try template.render()
func colorTransformer(_ input: String) -> String {
let mapper: [String: (String) -> String] = [
"Color": colorTransformer