
README doesn't link format specification

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The README doesn't link a format specification (at least as far as I can see). Please add a link with a complete formal specification of the format comparable to , preferably also an additional one with some neat easily understandable format e.g. like the flow graphs presented on .

I assume people who know CoffeeScript well can "guess" the format, but that's neither optimal nor is it gonna help others who think about adopting it.

Note: this issue was originally reported here: bevry/cson#77

I believe this is a duplicate of #26 (which is still an open issue)

Yeah, agreed. This is a duplicate of #26. Once there is a formal spec of the format, we'd definitely also link it in the README etc.. But until someone writes a proper one, the only "spec" is "whatever the coffee-script compiler does".