
Can't seem to load any URL's

Opened this issue · 4 comments


Wonderful product, exactly what I've been looking for. However, I can't seem to get my Chromecasts to display any content. I'm running coucdb and the greenscreen server fine, I can add the Chromecast and the Channel. I've provisioned an app in the Google SDK and added the application ID. However, whenever I attempt to push a channel out to the Chromecast I just get the generic blue "cast" icon in the centre of the screen.

Have you added your Chromecast as a test device within the Google SDK Console?

I sure did, and the other simple Chromecast apps I've written have all worked.

I am also having this same issue. My chromecast is registered. Selecting the alternate channel sends the screen to green for a moment, then goes to grey.

I would say this is related to #31