
Usability issues - Chromecast and casting

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Good morning all!

Awesome App, I love it and when we have it running in our shop, we are going to try contribute a bit to the Multi-Channel screen, or at least loading some iframes efficiently :)

Problems are as listed:

  1. We were able to follow the directions and setup the application and sync the chromecasts successfully during the first day that we worked on it.

Towards the end of the first day, all of the chromecasts started giving me the "Unable to cast to device" error. This was not happened after I initially added them and was able to successfully cast.

I know that a lot of issues are resolved by time, but we are reaching that 24 hour point and I am running out of ideas?

Any help would be appreciated!

PS. Chromecasts work on their own just fine, it is only when using the greenscreen app. I have tried rebooting everything as well.

Hey @Jose-Trevizo-M451 , did you find any solution for that? I'm experiencing the same thing, a Chromecast I got to work with Greenscreen a few days ago gives me the "Unable to cast to device" error when trying to connect from Greenscreen now, although it's working for any other purpose.

update: totally my fault, I was using it in a private network and had provided a dev machine IP as Receiver Application URL. I was getting a new IP for the DEV machine. Changing this value and reseting the Chromecast solved it.