
Installing on Linux or Windows

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Does anyone have instructions on how to install this on a windows machine or linux?

I have gotten it working on Windows.
-I used scoop instead of brew, in Powershell 3

-Installed Apache CouchDB -
-Check if couchdb is running with powershell -

Otherwise all the steps are the same. ( npm install couchdb in project directory )

I'm having trouble getting it working on Linux.

I'm able to create a channel so it shouldn't be a couch-DB issue.
Its something about adding chrome-casts. As soon as I select a cast-able device, the screen reads "Brain Freeze"

Any tips?

@conicRelief got further than I did. Attempting to follow the instructions written out for OSX, modifying them for Debian, and I can't get the server to start. Not sure why the instructions would be OSX specific, but whatever.

Anyone have any more information than what the README contains that might help me get this thing installed and running?


This thing is bust. I have tried many times, and it falls over with Brain Freeze. Think it has to do with whitelisting, but can't be sure. Giving up for another day.

Same issue using embedded cast plugin. Maybe related to Chromecast Ultra?

Hope I'm not too late to the party - I just published multicast, Greenscreen's spiritual successor for the new Castv2 API via mDNS. We're continuing active development there, and our current release should work out of the box.