
Please update this docs' Install section.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

On the English Page, it says;


This chapter introduces the installation process for GROWI on CentOS 7. Installation on CentOS 6 has not been verified.

Software needed for Setup are listed below.

  • Node.js 14.x (DO NOT USE 14.x)
  • npm 6.x
  • yarn
  • MongoDB 4.x
  • (Optional) Elasticsearch 6.x
  • (Optional) systemd
  • (Optional) Apache or nginx

The above mentions Node.js 14.x, but the next section is as follows.

Installation for node.js 8.x & npm

But the sample code is

$ curl -sL -o

This might confuse who tries to install.

I'm a Japanese, so I looked at the Install, and it says;

  • node.js 8.x (DO NOT USE 9.x)
  • npm 6.x
  • yarn
  • MongoDB 3.x
  • (Optional) Elasticsearch 5.x
  • (Optional) systemd
  • (Optional) Apache or nginx

Following the instructions and when I tried to install GROWI by running yarn, it failed and said;

$ yarn
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/5] Validating package.json...
error growi@6.0.15: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^14 || ^16". Got "8.17.0"
error Found incompatible module.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

I'm so disappointed. I need to start all over again... GROWI's reputations in Japan are the highest, so I decided to install it, but unable...

Please update the document.

@MasaruKitajima We're so sorry that we haven't been able to maintain the document.

Unfortunately, this document is not very reliable, as you can see from the warning at the beginning "This article has been in the public domain for some time."

The reason is that the document was previously contributed by a user, so the GROWI developers team has not verified all of it and it is difficult to keep it up to date.

So I recommend you to use growi-docker-compose we are trying to keep up to date.

I appreciate your understanding.

However, sending PR is welcome🙂