
Please update documentation for latest SDK version

Closed this issue · 5 comments

i was using kotlin SDK version io.growthbook.sdk:GrowthBook:1.0.3 because it's mentioned in official documentation page. but seems like actual latest version is 1.1.27 so i tried to migrate to 1.1.27 and my code is not working anymore
I tried using exact same code provided on github readme file but that is also not working

var sdkInstance: GrowthBookSDK = GBSDKBuilderApp(apiKey = <API_KEY>,
    hostURL = <GrowthBook_URL>,
    attributes = <Hashmap>,
    trackingCallback = { gbExperiment, gbExperimentResult ->


i tried to downgrade to version 1.1.23 and my code started working again. seems like in 1.1.23 version GBSDKBuilderApp class was in kotlin file so named arguments were supported but now it's java class file so it's not supported anymore.
also even if i'm not using any encryption i have to pass encryption key value on latest 1.1.27 version?

Thank you for your report. We are working on it.

Since 1.1.28 version if you are not using any encryption you can pass null value.

In 1.1.34 version we returned back named parameters for GBSDKBuilder

The pull request was updated.
Doc for 1.1.43 version was just written.
The pull request still requires review.

It was finally merged. Docs for 1.1.58 version.
@amit3vedi Do you have any other issues?