
Adding Application class to project

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TLDR: how do you add the application class to cordova project as mentioned in the quirks section?

Is there a way to save it to the config.xml? or something similar, so I can share the fix?

Ah I figured it out. Incase anyone finds this:

I'm not sure how to persist it, but you can edit what classes get made direction in the /platform/android/src/ directory

I'm using ionic, and it makes a package already called com.ionicframework.<appname> which corresponds to /platform/android/src/com/ionicframework/<appname>

  1. Make a file in /platform/android/src/com/ionicframework/

  2. Insert the information found on the READ.ME and replace the package name appropriately at top

  3. In the android manifest add the android:name attribute to the <application> tag with the value '.App' assuming you're using the package ionic makes for you. Otherwise I'm pretty sure you have to use the fully qualified name of com.ionicframework.mypackage

    Should look like this ```<application android:name=".App" ... > ...</application

Hope that helps someone!