
Error on building example projects

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Getting this error when I'm trying to build any of the example projects unchanged:

The i386 architecture is deprecated. You should update your ARCHS build setting to remove the i386 architecture. (in target 'max-external')

macOS 10.15.5, Max 8.0.1, Xcode 10.2.1

About to test, but I might guess it's the XCode version

Thank you!

well I fixed the issue for me, but might be helpful to know:

removed i386 from the ARCHS setting in maxmspsdk.xcconfig

that fixed the above issue, then I got this error:

/Users/instrument/Documents/Max 8/Packages/max-sdk-8.0.3/source/maxcpp-master/maxcpp/maxcpp6.h:51:10: 'new' file not found

I followed the instructions here, changing "Apple Clang - Language - C++ / C++ Standard Library" in Build Settings from "libstdc++ (GNU C++ standard library)" to "libc++ (LLVM C++ standard library with C++11 support)"

Yea, probably just Xcode 10 stuff, but might be good to know

Yes this will be the fact that apple deprecated i386 architecture in recent versions of Xcode. It's an awkward situation as Max still runs in 32-bit mode on many systems, thus i386 compilation is still required for a time at least. Using an older version of Xcode can work, or if you don't want to care about 32-bit support, you can just upgrade the Xcode project as recommended to remove i386 arch support.