
it is again Stuck on (999) bpm I tryed alredy to Update and put in the offset file manualy

Jones-009 opened this issue ยท 12 comments

I don't know why but it would be great if you had a fix for tomorrow.

Strange... I hate to say it, but it works on my machine :P

To begin with, try deleting both rkbx_osc.exe and offsets and downloading it again from the releases page. What Rekordbox version are you using? 6.8.5 is the one I'm working on currently.

If it still doesn't work, try this version: It has a BPM display in the terminal, check if that is correct. I'd like to see if there's a problem with reading the BPM or if it's an issue with Link. If the reading is wrong, the BPM should either be a tiny number or a really big one.

;p i use the latest version 6.8.5 aswell i try and tell you

hi its giving me this
and it doesn't change with an other track

Very strange... I wonder if something changed in Rekordbox. I'm getting the same thing. It works on my computer for a couple of restarts after I've changed the offsets, but today it broke for me again. I thought I had simply copied some values incorrectly, but that does not seem to be the case. Looking at it now

Alright, I've redone it now, try downloading the file now. rkbx_osc.exe -u will probably fail for a while because of the cache.

Thank you very much.
now it is working i hope it stays like that
I posted this projekt in a forum i hope that this is fine.
And i hold you up to date for what i use it

Nice, I'll keep checking if something breaks.

Hi i have a question if rekordbox 7 will be suported soon it would be great.

Eventually, not sure yet. I'm holding off installing it for a couple of days if some bug that reformats your entire library crops up. After that I'll see if something has changed significantly under the hood, or if the program still works in its current form. If nothing has changed, expect a couple of days ๐Ÿ‘


@Jones-009 Offsets for 7.0.0 and 7.0.1 are up! You will need to download a .exe though, had to change a couple of things.

Ok thankyou very much. That's big help.