
Precompiled JST in <=IE9

kedano opened this issue · 2 comments


What is the best way to debug the browser rendring in <=IE9?

I have an issue with a precompiled JST file containing 3 templates in IE9 and lower. It works as expected in IE10 and above and all other browsers.

A page with the issue:

The HBS template for the site, the template is compiled into the "Hiof.Templates['jobs/jobs']" namespace:

The JS to display the page:

Do you have this problem when using Handlebars to pre-compile your templates directly?

There was not an issue when I compiled it on the fly in IE. I made some changes in the templates (added some more if/else statements) after my last direct-compile test in IE, that might be the issue. I have set aside some time for debugging this issue next week. It's not a huge bug for our users since most are IE10+.