
Tests aren't passing with the current master branch

ffflabs opened this issue · 1 comments

Cloning this repo, running npm install and then grunt_test results in tests failing.

I believe this is caused by Handlebars version changes between the last commit (April 2016) and now (July 2017). There are subtle differences in the precompiled JST output between v4.0.0 and current v4.0.10.

Also, the second test (compileNode) throws an additional error as of node 6.1.0 that doesn't happen in node 5.12.0 that is the latest one running on Travis.

As a consequence of this situation, new pull requests will never be able to pass the tests, as it happens with #164

Since last commit in master branch was in april 2016, I figured out that you were using Handlebars v4.0.5, and indeed, pinning that version results in all tests passing.

I also tried Handlebars v4.0.6 and, allthough it's newer than this project's last commit, test do still pass.

However, since Handlebars v4.0.7 the tests won't pass anymore.

I'll add an npm-shrinkwrap.json file to #164 to make sure this is the issue.