
Question/Suggestion: Adding namespace for Handlebars

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I'm building a 3th. party application and I don't want to have Handlebars in the main namespace, because a different version might be already in use by the customer. Thus, I have something like window.MyApp = { Handlebars: {}, Templates: {}, ....}.

Is there a way to provide a namespace for Handlebars using grunt-contrib-handlebars?
Right now the output looks like:

this["MyApp"]["Templates"]["some_template"] = Handlebars.template(
    function (Handlebars,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {...

Instead of 'MyApp.Handlebars':

this["MyApp"]["Templates"]["some_template"] = MyApp.Handlebars.template(
    function (Handlebars,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {...


BTW, I'm achieving the wanted results using copy.options.processContent (

copy: {
  templates: {
    src: 'templates.js'
    dest: 'templates.js'
    options: {
      processContent: (content, filepath) ->
        content.replace /Handlebars\.template/mg, 'MyApp.Handlebars.template'

However, it would be still nice to have that option as part of grunt-contrib-handlebars, though.

PRs are welcome

Closed as duplicate of #69