
Rendered CSS colours are uppercased

qasimalyas opened this issue · 5 comments

I've come across an issue where I migrated from version 1.0.1 to version 1.1.0. I recompiled my .less files and my output colours are rendered from lowercase to uppercase.

#e1e1e1 to #E1E1E1

Is there an option to stop this from happening? I couldn't see any applicable options on the main page.

I know this is purely cosmetic but I have quite a large codebase which would require a rebuild and deploy which I do want to avoid at this stage.

I'm seeing this as well; rolling back to ~1.0.0 eliminates the issue.

Out of interest - which platform are you both on @mackensen and @qasimalyas? I've tested it my end and can't see an issue. One potential is a difference between less 2.4.* and 2.5.*. I was wondering whether you'd tried to run less outside of the plugin and had the same result?

@jrcryer OSX 10.11.2. I think you're right about the less version. I ran ran lessc (2.5.3) manually and it uppercased the colors. That's the same version grunt's installing.

Most likely this is related to Less preserving hex color values now. Thus you get them uppercase in the resulting CSS because they are uppercase in your sources (i.e. it does not make those uppercase now but rather did make them lowercase before 2.5.2).

This is an upstream issue.