
Parsing error - grunt-contrib-stylus v0.10.0

sdussaut opened this issue · 3 comments

I just updated grunt-contrib-stylus to v0.10.0 and stylesheets that compiled before with 0.9.0 just don't now.

Here is the code involved:

html input[disabled]
    cursor: default

If I change this code as little as

html input[disabled]
    cursor: default

it compiles fine.

Any insights on this?


I had the same issue and thought that it’s a typo in my files, but accroding to docs it’s valid Stylus syntax. Anyway it’s a Stylus issue and should be posted in Stylus project.

/cc @kizu

Ok thanks, wasn't sure about where to post this. I'll post it there then.

A patch is already on its way to Stylus :-)
The issue is here: