kubergrunt eks verify does not work behind HTTP Proxies
kitos9112 opened this issue · 0 comments
kitos9112 commented
Cannot verify the EKS Cluster state behind a corporate network that presents HTTP proxy.
After v0.6.14 I can successfully retrieve the OIDC thumbprint, but not verify the cluster state. The following command sits there indefinitely waiting until the client times out. Not 100% where the issue lays in the source code though. I suspect you're using the AWS SDK for EKS in here.
❯kubergrunt eks verify --eks-cluster-arn arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:<AccountID>:cluster/<ClusterName> --wait
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:04+01:00] Checking if EKS cluster arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:<AccountID>:cluster/<ClusterName> exists name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:04+01:00] Retrieving details for EKS cluster arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:<AccountID>:cluster/<ClusterName> name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:04+01:00] Detected cluster deployed in region eu-west-1 name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:05+01:00] Successfully retrieved EKS cluster details name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:05+01:00] Verified EKS cluster arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:<AccountID>:cluster/<ClusterName> is in active state. name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:05+01:00] Checking EKS cluster arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:<AccountID>:cluster/<ClusterName> Kubernetes API endpoint. name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:05+01:00] Checking EKS cluster info name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:05+01:00] Retrieving details for EKS cluster arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:<AccountID>:cluster/ name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:05+01:00] Detected cluster deployed in region eu-west-1 name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-05-05T18:50:05+01:00] Successfully retrieved EKS cluster details name=kubergrunt
WARN[2021-05-05T18:54:25+01:00] Error retrieiving info from endpoint: Head "https://<ID>gr7.eu-west-1.eks.amazonaws.com": dial tcp <IPv4>443: connect: connection timed out name=kubergrunt
[] WARN[2021-05-05T18:54:25+01:00] Marking api server as not ready name=kubergrunt