
EKS deploy error - LoadBalancer hostname is in an unexpected format

riisi opened this issue · 1 comments

riisi commented

Hi, just trying this out for the first time today and ran into this error.

[] DEBU[2021-08-23T12:13:55+01:00] Node ip-10-0-10-39.ec2.internal is ready      name=kubergrunt
[] DEBU[2021-08-23T12:13:55+01:00] Node ip-10-0-11-26.ec2.internal is ready      name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-08-23T12:13:55+01:00] Getting all LoadBalancers from services in kubernetes  name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-08-23T12:13:55+01:00] Loading Kubernetes Client                     name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-08-23T12:13:55+01:00] Using config on disk and context.             name=kubergrunt
[] INFO[2021-08-23T12:13:56+01:00] Found 3 LoadBalancer services of 21 services in kubernetes.  name=kubergrunt
[] ERRO[2021-08-23T12:13:56+01:00] Error retrieving associated ELB names of the Kubernetes services.  name=kubergrunt
[] ERRO[2021-08-23T12:13:56+01:00] Undo by terminating all the new instances and trying again  name=kubergrunt
ERROR: LoadBalancer hostname is in an unexpected format:

The service is using the AWS ALB ingress controller.

Please let me know if there's more info I can provide to help troubleshoot further.

This should be fixed in (binaries should show up in 15-30 mins)