
Include examples and/or link to knowyourmeme

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It would be nice to quickly have access to an example of how the meme is usually used.

With's kym_id (know your meme ID) being hackerman, this could be added to metadata file.

If you do the required research and get all (avaiable) kym_ids for all memes in and send a PR to add that, than there could be a menuitem-option like Show meme info which displays the page then.

For this please modify and add an kym_id to every (knowyourmeme available) image template:

{"title":"10 Advice Mallard","filename":"10_Advice_Mallard.jpg","tags":["animals"]},
{"title":"10 Doge","filename":"10_Doge.jpg","tags":["animals"]}


{"title":"10 Advice Mallard","filename":"10_Advice_Mallard.jpg","tags":["animals"],"kym_id":"ADVICE MALLARD"},
{"title":"10 Doge","filename":"10_Doge.jpg","tags":["animals"],"kym_id":"DOGE"}

Waiting for a PR.

Thank you very much for the quick reply! Maybe I'll do that sometime, seems simple enough. Not enough time atm but I'll keep it in mind!