
Create the Resource Page

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Create a new file in Resources folder named resource.html, resource.css and resource.js.

Resource page should contain:

  • Navbar (already made)
  • Cards for the resources (you can find the resources under components>articles)
  • custom Scroll bar(already made)
  • Instead of Roadmaps as title give it Resources and Roadmaps
  • Link the resource.html file to the resoruces in the navbar section.
  • On clicking on the explore more button it should open the blogsCard.html


Inspo: (You can refer to it and can make your own interpretations too, Creativity is welcomed.)
Screenshot from 2022-10-08 11-53-58

Please join the Discord to discuss design of the components.

Can you please assign me the task.

Hello @girlscript-asansol can you please assign me the task ?

@SatyajeetShinde Whats the update?

Hi, can you please assign me this issue?

@navaneethmanoj any updates? Are you on this yet?

The UI is completed. I have a few questions. Where in the discord server can I discuss it?

@navaneethmanoj you can write it out in #october-general. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.