Applying retention policy to folder:
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Applying a retentionpolicy to folder with this command:
Set-EXRFolderRetentionTag -RetentionFlagsValue 137 -retentionperiodvalue 0 -PolicyTagValue '414C6A14-3ED5-432E-9EDB-C6620A8278F0' -FolderPath '\inbox\Retention Folder'
Leaves me this error:
{"error":{"code":"RequestBodyRead","message":"The property 'PropertyId' does not exist on type
'microsoft.graph.singleValueLegacyExtendedProperty'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type or mark the type as open type."}}
No matter what folder I run it on. I obtained the policytagvalue by running this command:
get-EXRFolderfrompath -MailboxName $mailbox.userprincipalname -FolderPath '\inbox\Retention Folder' -PropList (Get-EXRItemRetentionTags)
amd then converted the value it returned in base64 into the full GUID.
fixed in version 3.50.0 issue was related to older property format