
Showing ARC Semantic issue

darkhorse-coder opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there.
I have got below issue when i import QRCodeGenerator.h in my viewcontroller.h file.

QRCodeGenerator/CIColor+QRCode.m:38:45: No known class method for selector 'getSafeString:'

How can i use this library in my viewcontroller?
Thanks in advance.

You have to disable ARC for both QR-Code-Generator classes.

In your project

Build Phases -> Compile sources

add -fno-objc-arc flag to QRCodeGenerator.m and CIColor+QRCode.m.

If you need to know more about arc and how to disable it:

I will fix this week. No needed to disable ARC

Added missing NSString Category. Now it works. No needed to disable ARC