
$VERSION is only incremented in the main module

karenetheridge opened this issue · 1 comments

..most of the other modules have $VERSION = '0.02' or similar.

This can be fixed using dzil in a number of ways, depending on how you like to do your releases... The most minimal change would be to add this to dist.ini:

skip_version_provider = 1

... which would edit the version declarations in the shipped dist only (leaving the repo alone).

If you were interested in using [Git::Commit], [Git::Tag] and [Git::Push] to automate the updating of files that change on every release, I would recommend adding on [RewriteVersion] (without skip_version_provider set) plus [BumpVersion::AfterRelease] to edit the $VERSION declarations in the release and commit them back to the repository afterwards.

I saw you removed the $VERSION declarations in these files -- note that this change on its own, without additional changes to come, will result in the next release not indexing those modules, as their version will now be undef, which is lower than the last indexed version of 0.02 or 0.03. You'll need to insert a new $VERSION declaration into the file somehow -- either by reverting that commit, or using [PkgVersion] to insert the $VERSION lines at build time (which will cause a conflict with the existing declaration in the main module).