
Help on implementation and setup...

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I just came across this page and it's great that someone if already working on implementing this for iobroker.

I try taking your script, create a new javascript in iobrokers script engine and paste your code. It complains that it could not finde mathjs:

javascript.0 (25643) script.js.0_-_Utilities.ESPresence: Error: Cannot find module 'mathjs'

Even though I use javascript for web programming, I never used it in iobroker. I still stick with blockly for my tasks.

Hi, you need to put mathjs in Javascript instance configuration as additional module.
I would prefer to avoid library dependency, but in this case it is used for matrix multiplications (in trilateration function).

I have not included any readme, because for now, it was tested only from me and another user.

You can find additional information in this thread: