
Question: Nice/good way of extracting query parameters from URI?

renannprado opened this issue · 2 comments

assiming this is the route:

builder.get(r"/api/test?.*", test_handler);

is this the best way to extract query parameters?

pub fn test_handler(req: Request, res: Response, c: Captures) {
    let caps = c.unwrap();
    let url_params = &caps[0].replace("/api/test?", "");

    let parsed_params: Vec<&str> = url_params.split('&').collect();

I think you want to use a capturing group in order to extract them easier. Is your goal to use query parameters here? You may be better off using a crate like url if so.

The library that you mentioned unfortunately doesn't parse relative URI, which is what I need.
Of course I could prepend a fake base like http://fake/...., but I tried to find a less hacky solution.

The below library seems to be a better option, however still it's not possible to extract values from the query string by name. This has to be implemented by yourself :( .
