
Chef GitLab CI/CD Pipeline examples

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Chef GitLab CI/CD Pipelines templates and examples

Policyfile Workflow

Examples of usage in complete pipelines in the example_pipelines directory for:

  • Cookbook CI (with a Policyfile for dependency resolution only, instead of Berksfile)
    • Prep:
      • Git tag for version in metadata.rb does not exist yet
    • Lint:
      • Cookstyle
      • ChefSpec
    • Integration Testing
    • Release:
      • Git Tagging with version in metadata.rb
  • Policyfile CI/CD
    • Including promotion using GitLab Environments mapped to Chef Infra Server Policy Groups
    • Prep:
      • Update Policyfile Lock JSON (chef install and chef update)
      • Publish updated Policyfile Lock JSON as pipeline artifact
    • Integration Testing
    • Publish:
      • Export Policyfile archive (chef export -a)
      • Publish updated Policyfile Lock JSON as build artifact
    • Release/Deploy:
      • Use deployment jobs with environments mapped to policy groups and push Policyfile archive to Policy group (chef push-archive)

Example Policyfiles

# A name that describes what the system you're building with Chef does.
name 'test-policy'

# Where to find external cookbooks:
default_source :supermarket

# run_list: chef-client will run these recipes in the order specified.
run_list 'test::default', 'chef-client::default', 'audit::default'

# Specify a custom source for a single cookbook:
cookbook 'test', git: 'https://GITLABREPOHERE/_git/test', tag: 'v0.1.8'

default['development']['test']['message'] = 'test message for development'
default['production']['test']['message'] = 'test message for production'

The Policyfile CI/CD pipeline also works with Policyfiles that use include_policy from another repo (by automatically commiting the Policyfile Lock JSON so it's available for other policies to include) e.g.

# This is the file server policy for all Chef managed file servers.
name 'another-policy'

# Where to find cookbooks:
default_source :supermarket

# include base policy
include_policy 'test-policy', git: 'https://GITLABREPOHERE/_git/test-policy', path: 'test-policy.lock.json'

# Chef-client will run these recipes in the order specified.
run_list 'openssh::default'