Cleveland Parcel Lookup
Cleveland Parcel Lookup is a web application that allows you to view details of five parcels in Cleveland. Data for this web application is sourced from Northeast Ohio Community and Neighborhood Data for Organizing (NEOCANDO) at the Center on Urban Property and Community Development located at Case Western Reserve University.
Here's what it looks like:
- Provides parcel details (image of property, location of the property on a map, approximate street addresses and other related information about the parcel) for five parcel numbers located in Cleveland.
- Exposes a web-api endpoint (/parcel/NNN-NN-NNN) for ease of access that interfaces with NEOCANDO's webapi here: (where N is assumed to be a number).
- Uses Python, Flask, Google Maps Embed API and Reverse Geocoding API to deliver all these features (among other Python packages).
Installation - Linux (Or similar Operating Systems)
To aid runtime of this application, a Makefile contains commands that simplifies the process. For each step below the make directives as well as the corresponding commands in bash will be described in an attempt to get the project to run locally.
- Clone this repo using Git
Easiest way to get this project on your system is to download it using git client in your terminal and change your working folder to the project root:
git clone
cd cle_parcel_lookup
- Setup virtual environment
Its best to install a virtual environment first to protect your host operating system from any modifications this program may make.
Make directive:
make create_venv
python3 -m venv .venv
- Activate Virtual Environment
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install project dependencies
There are a few dependencies used (as described in requirements-dev.txt), so before we run the program, lets install these dependencies.
Make directive:
make deps
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
Edit the file
and updateapiKey
variable with a proper API Key from Google. -
Run the program in development mode
Since this is a web application developed using Python and Flask, in this step we use the flask binary to host a web server locally.
Make Directive:
make run
FLASK_APP=cle_parcel_lookup FLASK_ENV=development flask run
At this point, please open your browser and visit
to access the application. -
To cleanup after viewing the application, do make sure to press
to end the flask session.
Alternative Installation using Wheel
In the off chance that none of the instructions above help with running of the application, do consider building a wheel package for it.
Make directive:
make dist
python3 bdist_wheel
This will create a file in the dist
folder titled cle_parcel_lookup-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
This file can then be installed on your system.
Make directive:
make dist_deploy
pip3 install dist/cle_parcel_lookup-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Installation on Windows
Note: Pre-requisite: You have already installed Python 3.6 or higher
- Open command prompt and clone the project:
git clone
cd cle_parcel_lookup
- Setup a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Edit the file
and updateapiKey
variable with a proper API Key from Google. -
Run the program in development mode
set "FLASK_APP=cle_parcel_lookup" & set "FLASK_ENV=development" & flask run
At this point, please open your browser and visit
to access the application. -
To cleanup after viewing the application, do make sure to press
to end the flask session.
Development Features
This project uses pylint
(with its default settings) as well as flake8
as its linter (to conform with github's python action).
Here's how you can lint the project:
Make directive:
make lint
pylint cle_parcel_lookup
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics --exclude __pycache__,.coverage,.github,.git,.pytest_cache,.venv,.vscode,build,images,dist
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics --exclude __pycache__,.coverage,.github,.git,.pytest_cache,.venv,.vscode,build,images,dist
In addition to linting, the project uses pytest
to run unit tests. Here's how you run pytest on the project:
Make directive:
make test
PYTHONPATH=. pytest -v
Sometimes running unit tests isn't enough and you'd like to know which specific lines in the project lack coverage. Here's how you can run coverage
tool to discover lines that need unit tested:
Make directive:
make coverage
coverage run -m pytest
coverage report