
Can't enter the fucking vortex

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Can't enter the fucking vortex while swimming, it does work when entering while standing on it.
There are 2 separate issues:

    1. CJ not swimming to the vertex at all
    1. CJ getting stuck when trying to enter while being in the water next to the vortex
      Issue 1. is wasn't present in our code ~11 months ago, while the second one was even after going back to commit ab8218b5 (Danish repo), which is ~2 years old.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to 2957, -1485 using the teleporter
  2. Spawn vortex
  3. Try entering, CJ should helpfully jump into the water, and poof, all controls are frozen, can't do anything (Must use the teleporter/some combo of ctrl and shift to get unfrozen)

Expected Behavior

To be able to enter the fucking vortex

Current Behavior

See video down below.


a bit aggressive title

I was triggered AF


Hm, can't apply it.
Could you open a PR?