
Engine Power Override not working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Changing the RPM value seems to provide no discernible effect. Maybe it's supposed to be subtle, but I'm not noticing anything, at least not to the scale as the previous functionality which was just a toggle.

I see that the VEHICLE::_SET_VEHICLE_ENGINE_POWER_MULTIPLIER function takes in a float, but we're passing the RPM int. Maybe something's not getting set correctly within this function?

Can anyone else test and see if fiddling with the Engine Power Override setting does anything?

Nevermind! Just saw it's a new menu item that requires confirmation unlike the other list items (like vehicle invincibility or weapon dmg value).

We may need to make it clear to the user that they have to confirm their list choice since the behaviour is a little different.

Or perhaps we could just change it so every vehicle the player enters gets
set to the currently selected RPM value. No need to confirm it every time.
On Jul 21, 2015 9:05 PM, "Robert Kwapisz" wrote:

Nevermind! Just saw it's a new menu item that requires confirmation unlike
the other list items (like vehicle invincibility or weapon dmg value).

We may need to make it clear to the user that they have to confirm their
list choice since the behaviour is a little different.

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#122 (comment)

That too. Basically what had me confused was having to confirm the list choice in the first place, since all the other list items have you simply scrolling and whatever is highlighted takes.