
Commit/share Excel spreadsheets for peds & vehicles

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The master data for skins & vehicles is really in a spreadsheet each, not the code, which is always made up of two big long lists (captions & values) that are hard to maintain, especially in A-Z order.

We need to find a way of sharing them so people can change it at source. Note that these are VBA macro books so you can C&P to arrays, thus Google Docs etc is not an option.

Why not just have xml (or csv) files that are somehow read & compiled @ compile time?

Resulting in a completely automated system without the need for updating it in two places.

Or an easier answer: include it as a resource and load it on plugin load?

Loading it along with the plugin isn't a bad idea. That way the end-user could make additions to it if something is missing instead of needing to wait for a new release.

The point of the document is really to let us change things in the simplest manner (or add more attributes etc) rather than to let the end user do anything

These are added.

No, as a resource, readable by the program but not the end user