
xdppsu.h not found error on vitis2020.2.

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Thank you for your very useful project.
I'm trying to reproduce it with vitis2020.2 on Ubuntu 18, but I'm having a problem.

  1. I ran make bitstream in console, created an empty project to make a wrapper and selected bd and constraints. I ran export xsa with the pre-synthesis option, started the vitis IDE and tried to load vitis_workspace in the repository, but it doesn't seem to read at all.
  2. Therefore, I created a new platform project from xsa that was exported from BD in Vivado. After that, I created an application project in hello world,standalone with vitis and imported the source in vitis_workspace/application_project/src of the repository. When I build it, I get an error saying "xdppsu.h: No such file or directory".

I'd like to get it working, but do I need to make any additional settings for platform or application project?

Screenshot from 2021-01-22 10-29-49