Value alignment
iksent opened this issue · 8 comments
I am passing formatter to inputFormatters like this:
decimalDigits: 2,
symbol: '',
locale: 'ru',
Trying to input integer number like "123", but getting "1,23" - This behavior is very uncomfortable for users.
This will be great to have a prop to control it and allow users to enter decimals manually with dot or comma.
This is like autonumeric
Thank you for using.
Can you try without decimalDigits: 2
with 2.0.1 version which is released today ?
Not yet, waiting for other libs to be compatible with nullsafety.
Will definitely try asap and come back with a news!
So in 2.0.1 the behavior was changed?
You wrote "without decimalDigits: 2", but how can I control count of digits? I want to save the ability of decimals (I need percentage from 0 to 100 with decimals like 12.34%, 12.3% or just 12%)
Oh That percentage needs to set decimalDigits.
I mean, from 2.0.1 version, formatter is working based on locale.
If you are using Euro. It uses ,
for decimal automatically.
You have probably didn't understand my issue :(
The problem is that, with "decimalDigits = N" I am trying to input "123", but getting "1,23" (value is being aligned from right to left), so i need to put extra "00" to get "123.00". But I don't want to get "123.00", I just want to get "123". I want users to decide, whether they need decimals or not. If not - then they will enter integer number, if yes - they should manually enter dot or comma to add a decimals after it.
Yes. I understood.
If you want to remove decimal, just pass argument decimalDigits: 0
You can get 123 without .00
So you can try with CurrencyTextInputFormatter(symbol: '',locale: 'ru', decimalDigits: 0)
It return just 123 without any decimal something. (2.0.1 version only)
And you can try with unsound null safety with --no-sound-null-safety
No - I don't want to remove decimals - this is a problem! :)
I want to save the ability of decimals.
Please see, here is an example at this site (user starts to input from left to right and not from right to left, as currency_text_input_formatter
has now).
I want the ability to input: 12.34%, 12.3% or just 12% (Not 12.00!) at the same time.
Oh now I understand.
I use rates field for RegExp FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp(r'^\d*\.?\d*$'))
This is for currency. However, I will figure it out.
But dynamic decimal is impossible, because I use NumberFormat.currency of Intl
decimal must be initialized. If so, maybe possible :)
The main problem for me is just not a dynamic decimal (it can be fixed for my purposes), but input "alignment" - users start to enter a value from decimals and need to add extra "00" to get an integer like "12,00"...