GE Tracker App

This repository will be used for issue tracking for the GE Tracker mobile app.

The app is currently in closed-beta and will be publicly available very soon.



Please visit the URL for your group and make sure you’re signed in with the Google account you have been invited on. Accept the invite, then there will be a link to download the app.


First, you will need to download the "TestFlight" app. Once this is downloaded, visit the TestFlight email you have been sent which will give you a code to enter into the app. You can then download the GE Tracker app via TestFlight.

Latest Releases

Internal Alpha Beta Production
0.4.0 0.4.0 0.4.0 -

Release Notes


  • Add a float action button to the item screen containing Profit Tracker and Price Alerts
  • Add Members under Item Statistics
  • Tap once when searching to view the item (instead of double tap)
  • Add text above the graph on the item screen saying to tap to view the interactive graph
  • Price alerts can be created/deleted - updating/global yet to be added


  • Respond to Price Alert notifications
  • Respond to RS Update notifications
  • Add GE Limits screen


  • Added profit tracker details view (click a row in Table)
  • Added Firebase push notifications
  • Fix bug with favourite items (and other lists) using the wrong icon after the list updates


  • Double tap when zoomed on a graph to return to the original graph
  • Fixed graph clipping on iPhone X


  • Add tooltips when you tap the values on the right-hand side
  • iPhone X support
  • Removed "View Flipping Info" from the search screen


  • Add Android payment flow (Google Pay)
  • Show app version in My Account menu
  • Disable swiping on Item screen to use the swipable buttons
  • Fix tabbed navigators incorrectly showing "Exit the app?"
  • Attach the user to automatic bug reports
  • Rearrange high/lows on the graphs to match the website
  • Fix the duration picker in the graph header switching back to 'Week'


  • Add CodePush for faster deployment of app updates
  • Profit Tracker now shows status messages
  • Add intro screen for new users
  • Add Register/Forgot Password functionality
  • Upgraded to RN 57.x/target Android API 27
  • Add Android round icon
  • Fix search results clipping
  • Fix PT graph bug with 0 transactions


  • Fixed bug when rendering graph in production only
  • Added Bugsnag error tracking


  • Added Profit Tracker:
    • Graph
    • Table
    • Most Profitable Items


  • Graphs can now be zoomed
  • Graphs render faster
  • RS Updates display on the graphs
  • Price data can be long pressed to stay on the graph until long pressed again


  • Bug fixes
  • Added loading indicator to item lists
  • Added item count to dashboard toggle lists
  • Favourite item stars are working
  • Fixed issue with fresh accounts crashing on dashboard


  • Increased font size input fields by 33%
  • Added show/hide toggle to password field
  • Bug fixes
  • Graph previews and loading added to item screen
  • Graph header added
  • Added native dashboard


  • (internal release bugfix)


  • Fixed number formatting not working on Android
  • Added native item screen
  • All flip finder + money making screens are now added
  • Deep linking has been added so "*" links will open inside the app
  • Item icon images are downloaded from CDN and cached onto the device
  • Added a provisional version of the native graphs


  • Fixed Menu Modals not returning to the original application state after adding native authentication flow
  • Reduced auth background image overlay to 20% (from 30%)
  • Add Pull to Refresh when viewing lists (Highest Margins, High Volume etc.) and items
  • Fixed an error when viewing your own profile
  • Created ItemList and ListItem components to render lists
  • All Flip Finder Menus are native and the majority of Money Making features have been converted to native functionality


  • Tested on Android 8.0
  • Device platform is correctly registered against GE Tracker account
  • Back button presses are consistent across hardware (Android) and the header in the App
  • Login flow is native and will persist (even with 2FA enabled)
  • Natively used font has been changed to Proxima Nova
  • Added Android ‘ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE’ permission


  • Unfinished menus will show as under construction
  • Fixed bug for Android >= 7.0 not loading graphs correctly
  • Added an unstyled search screen


  • Arrow in header has been changed (looks nicer)
  • Font has been updated to Proxima Nova
  • Added Logout link to "My Account" menu
  • Changed NavBar border to a darker shade of grey
  • Item graphs open separately in a new screen to ensure the flow of the app
  • Redux integration has been rewritten slightly - added some middleware
  • Device is attached to User account

0.0.7 (iOS only)

  • Fixed iOS back button having to be pressed 3 times
  • GE Tracker logo and Header navigation buttons scale with the device width
  • Navigation menus should come from the side instead of the bottom, and no longer act as a modal
  • Fixed FI/SI panels closing when clicking inside them (incl. Favourite Star)


  • Fixed 404s on Profit Tracker menu
  • Added start/finished loading animation to the GTWeb Component
  • User icon in the header opens the My Account menu
  • Changed the NavBar to contain: Dash, Items, Money, Profit, More
  • Added a "Back" button in the Header
  • Side menu has been removed from all pages


  • Bug fixes
  • Added bottom NavBar and Main Menu, both hooked into the WebView and Native Navigation


  • First release with the correct package name (versions 0.0.1 - 0.0.3 were testing)
  • Header has been converted to Native Android/iOS