
Code for the analysis of my bachelor thesis.

Primary LanguagePython

Analysis for my bachelor thesis in Statistics

Code for the analysis of my bachelor thesis. The analysis regards student careers from Msc in Informatic Engineering of University of Bologna. Supervisor: Professor Claudio Sartori from Department of Computer Science and Engineering of University of Bologna.


  • Analysis.Rproj: Rstudio Project


  • Carriere.xlsx: first dataset
  • Laureati.xls: second dataset


  • datapreparation_v2.R: Where data are imported and prepared for the Analysis. Contents:
    • Data import
    • Creation of a sparse binary matrix for Cluster Analysis
  • external_functions.R: Script containing external functions usefull for the Analysis.
  • hierarchicalclust.R: Script regarding hierarchical clustering methods. Contents:
    • Computation of the distance matrix
    • Creation of cluster via Divisive Methods
    • An Interactive deindogram
  • kmeans.R: Script regarding k-means clustering methods.
    • Computation for k-means for k clusters
    • Computation for k-means for different cluster dimentions
    • Methods for choosing the number of clusters
  • kmedoids: Implementation of k-medoids clustering methods.
  • model-based.R: Script containing Mixture Model Based clustering methods.
    • In the script mixtureclustering.py is called via Python4R package
