
Could not load 'guard/compass' or ....

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi there,

Using Guard on Windows 7 with Ruby 1.9.3 and working Devkit, installed WDM gem and everything was going so well, however this one is stumping me. If you have any help or suggestions I would really value it.

When running:
guard init compass

I get the error:
10:03:05 - ERROR - Could not load 'guard/compass' or '~/.guard/templates/compass' or find class Guard::Compass

(I have double checked the gem is installed, I have even run 'gem install guard-compass' just in case)

I basically followed this guide and was setup, everything working great with SASS and Sprockets, wanted to add compass to it, did a lot of reading and have spent an entire day trying to get this setup...

Many thanks for any time spent on this, truly appreciated,

Well, fixed that by cleaning/uninstalling gems and starting from scratch. For anyone that needs it, here is the cmd I needed (you'll have to ignore the formatting from github):

ruby -e "gem list.split(/$/).each { |line| puts gem uninstall -Iax #{line.split(' ')[0]} unless line.strip.empty? }"
