
Security Vulnerability - possible to read arbitrary files via socket

e2 opened this issue · 2 comments

e2 commented

Patched gem version: v2.5.2
PR with patch: #158
Affected versions: v2.5.1 and below
Credits: @mikeycgto

Use cases affected:

  • multiuser servers running livereload
  • websocket address listening on non-local address
  • websocket port forwarded to untrusted/multiuser remote machines
  • ?

Basically, anyone who can connect to the port can read files available to the user running the livereload server.

Stuff left to do:

  • Prevent files other than ./livereload.js to be loaded via socket
  • Release 2.5.2 with file serving disable (other than ./livereload.js)
  • Add info to Readme
  • Add websocket spec (none yet) (#160)
  • Refactor websocket for filesystem related specs (#160)
  • CVE - none yet
  • Decide which files should be allowed (if any)