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I am probably being extremely stupid, but I can't seem to get this guard to work.

Here's the Guardfile:

guard 'process', :name => "Test", :command => "ls" do

In the guard output, I only see:

Starting process Test
Started process Test

And then when I save the Gemfile:

Stopping process Test
Stopped process Test
Starting process Test
Started process Test

Wasn't the output from "ls" supposed to be shown in the guard window?

I tried also with "echo 'xxx' > test.txt" as a command, but I didn't see any test.txt file generated in the directory.

I am obviously missing something, right?

This is caused by our use of IO#popen (where we don't actually do anything with the output), I think this is what causes issue #3 as well which I am looking into currently.