
Runs this regularly on a server?

Closed this issue · 4 comments


great tool you built here, thanks for opening it up.

I was wondering: when do the checks run? Is it regularly via some internal scheduling, triggered by a cron or only when a user logs in? From reading code I think it's the later only, correct? How do you run this at the Guardian?

My ideal case here would be to run this on a server (with an access token of a user who's in the bots group).

great tool you built here, thanks for opening it up.


when do the checks run?

Only when the[org-name] point is hit - which requires authentication, either by you logging in via GitHub or by hitting it with the appropriate headers:

curl -X POST -H "Csrf-Token: nocheck" -H "Authorization: token {{ YOUR_GITHUB_API_KEY }}"[org-name]

At the Guardian, I just have a cron job that hits that url - pretty low-tech! It would be nice to let users schedule repeat scans, but Heroku servers get spontaneously killed, gu:who currently has no storage other than GitHub itself, and in any case I didn't really want to have to store other peoples credentials. The credential has to be an 'Owner' account, with full permissions, so it's a very sensitive one to hold - gu:who does not retain it after your request.

At the Guardian, I just have a cron job that hits that url - pretty low-tech!

And I reckon that cron job runs from your local machine then?

Might also make sense to document this workflow in the Readme, since I imagine it to be a common question?

The credential has to be an 'Owner' account, with full permissions, so it's a very sensitive one to hold - gu:who does not retain it after your request.

Yeah, the repo and write:org credentials are sensitive. On the other hand I'd trust these to be secure if I'd be running it within our own infrastructure (and not on heroku).

when do the checks run? Is it regularly via some internal scheduling, triggered by a cron or only when a user logs in? From reading code I think it's the later only, correct?

Just to follow up on this, now that GitHub has organisation webhooks, we can just trigger gu:who using them - the need for a cron job is much pretty much gone:


Set the org webhook to hit something like:{{ YOUR_GITHUB_API_KEY }}

Seems the webhook is now broken. Just tried deploying gu-who on Heroku and got this error:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed