
Log exceptions to Azure Table Storage.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Azure Table Storage Exception Logger

Log exceptions to Azure Table Storage.

The library provides a temporary approach to logging exceptions to Azure Table Storage. This library should be replaced by Serilog.Sinks.AzureTableStorage when updated for netstandard1.x/netcoreapp1.0.


To log exceptions, use:

    string storageAccountName, 
    string storageAccountKey, 
    string exceptionsTableName, 
    string exceptionSource, 
    string exceptionDescription, 
    Serilog.ILogger logger = null)

If the table is not present it will be created automatically in the storage account provided. If the optional Serilog.ILogger is provided and there is an exception, the library will write the exception to the logger provided.

Exception Log Table Schema

Property Type Value
PartitionKey string Value "EX"
RowKey* string DateTime.MaxValue - DateTime.UtcNow
DT DateTime DateTime.UtcNow
MachineName string Environment.MachineName
Application string Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name
Source string Provided
Description string Provided

*The calculated RowKey sorts the table from oldest to newest, which makes it easier to grab the top X number of entities when querying the table.

Version History

Version Changes Made
1.0.0 Initial Release