
Active elements in outline view are black, need more contrast

kavehv opened this issue · 6 comments

Because active elements in the [CDT] outline view are black and inactive are grey, it's often hard to see the active elements due to lack of contrast. It'd be nice if it was possible to fix this.

Hi @kavehv, a screenshot would help to identify your issue ;)

If I understand it right, currently the appearance of the selected item into a Tree widget is forced by SWT to use the one defined by your OS theme.

screen shot 2014-07-03 at 8 45 35 am
screen shot 2014-07-03 at 8 46 35 am

Those issues could be solved, are you using Luna Dark theme?

Try if importing the .epf file contained in this repo solves the issue with the Outline view.

For the white ruler in CDT, it's an issue introduced with Eclipse Bug 435574 (see Gerrit review), check if the current version of this plugin solves it.

I am using Luna Dark (instead of the github sourced Moonrise). The behavior is inconsistent though. when I toggle the #if cases in the code, sometimes enabled functions will appear as black, sometimes they won't. I can try this epf and elaborate more when I get a bigger slice of free time.

Yes you're right, it seems that the Outline colors for CDT become hard-coded when a snippet of inactive code is written into the code editor. I suggest to open a Bug for it here.

Maybe you're the same person that reported it, but Bug 438485 should address your issue.