
Test template

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Hi there, I'd like to describe used in a project tests template.
each _test.go file should look as follows:

  1. testdata() map[*TestedType]binaryFormat method.
    this method should specify as much, as possible/necessary test cases in described map form
  2. Test_Load(t *testing.T) this method is really easy
// declare testdata
td := testdata()

// testing loop
for key, value := range td {
    // load tested structure using data (value) given
    // in some cases, it could be necessary to create bitmuncher (datautils.CreateBitMuncher(value, 0) ) and pass it as an argument to load
    s := New()

    // then just use `assert` to check results
    assert.Equal(t, key, s, "unexpected structure loaded")
  1. Test_Encode(t *testing.T) is also really simple
td := testdata()
for key, value := range td {
    // encode tested structure into binary form (value)
    data := key.Encode()

    // use assert to detect differences
    assert.Equal(t, value, data, "unexpected data encoded")