
Feature request: add other variables to configmap

akelge opened this issue · 5 comments

akelge commented

First of all thank you for this chart and keeping it up to date.

There are some other variables that can be added to the configmap to support extra features:

  • ORG_CREATION_USERS: list of users that can create and manage organizations;
  • SENDS_ALLOWED: enable/disable the use of sends;
  • EMERGENCY_ACCESS_ALLOWED: if it is possible to enable emergency access;
  • TZ: the timezone, if we need it to be different than the one in the host

To get a full list, you can check how Gissi does it on his chart (that is abandoned apparently) at

akelge commented

Here is a list of the ones that are missing:

  • EMERGENCY_NOTIFICATION_REMINDER_SCHEDULE: a crontab time definition, like "0 3 * * * *"
  • EMERGENCY_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SCHEDULE: a crontab time definition, like"0 3 * * * *"
  • EVENTS_DAYS_RETAIN: a duration, like "30d"
  • EXTENDED_LOGGING: "true|false"
  • ICON_SERVICE: "internal|external"
  • INVITATION_EXPIRATION_HOURS: a number, like "48"
  • ORG_CREATION_USERS: comma separated list of user email addresses
  • ORG_EVENTS_ENABLED: "true|false"
  • REQUIRE_DEVICE_EMAIL: "true|false"
  • SENDS_ALLOWED: "true|false"
  • TRASH_AUTO_DELETE_DAYS: a number, like "7"
  • TZ: a Timezone definition, like "Europe/Madrid"
J-roen commented

I'm also missing ORG_GROUPS_ENABLED. Thanks in advance for adding support for extra environment variables!

Hi @akelge @J-roen -- requested variables have been added to the chart.

J-roen commented

That's amazing! Is it also already possible to set USER_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT and ORG_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT in values.yaml? Thanks!

That's amazing! Is it also already possible to set USER_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT and ORG_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT in values.yaml? Thanks!
