
Can't perform authentication with guess-ga

slavoroi opened this issue ยท 11 comments

  1. I created a project in google console.
  2. I created a private key with no restrictions
  3. I opened a google analytics account
  4. I added analytics.js and used angulartics2 for Angular (and the routes recordings worked)
  5. Running :
  plugins: [
    new GuessPlugin({
      debug: true,
      GA: viewId,
      runtime: {
        delegate: false
      routeProvider() {
        return parseRoutes('.');

Can't seem to pass this code in main.js:

 client = google_oauth2_node_1.auth({
                  clientId: clientId,
                  clientSecret: clientSecret,
                  scope: scope
              }).then(function (token) {

Opens a new chrome tab and clicking on my user get's me:

Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app
This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.

Also when trying:

  period: {
    startDate: new Date('2016-1-1'),
    endDate: new Date('2020-3-3')
}).then(g => {
  writeFileSync('data.json', JSON.stringify(g, null, 2));
}).catch((err) => {
  throw err;

throws Login Required.
I tried to give guess js read only permissions by email (mgechev@...) in google analytics but it didn't work.

"guess-parser": "0.4.15",
"guess-webpack": "0.4.15",
"guess-ga": "0.4.14"
Angular 8.2.14

Dont know about the plugin, but for the second case (using fetch), the documentation is out of date.

What you really need is to generate a JWT auth client like so:

import {fetch} from 'guess-ga';
import {JWT} from 'google-auth-library'

import credentials from './credentials.json';

const auth = new JWT(

  period: {
    startDate: new Date('2019-10-01'),
    endDate: new Date('2020-2-01')

edit: changed the scope to analytics.readonly

Yeah! you'r right, except the relevant scope is:
'' and not
Thanks! The fetch works and the Docs should be updated.

*** The DOCS should also mention opening a new service account in google and giving it a view permission for google analytics api (and exporting it to a json) and connecting this email to google analytics api.
The relevant key is not the API key but the key from the JSON which is created from the service account.
*** And using guess plugin with guess ga still doens't work.

ah cool, I was getting an issue with that scope too

@kasperstorgaard thanks for pointing this out! Would you have a moment to fix the documentation?

@mgechev I'll take a stab at it

Any update on the issue of using :

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new GuessPlugin({
      debug: true,
      GA: viewId,
      runtime: {
        delegate: false
      routeProvider() {
        return parseRoutes('.');

Screenshot from 2020-02-11 12-21-58

update, so it turns out the jwt option was not meant for an auth client,
just the credentials.
(it then creates the JWT client on the inside)

const {GuessPlugin} = require('guess-webpack');
const {parseRoutes} = require('guess-parser');
const credentials = require('./credentials.json');
const viewId = '123456789';

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new GuessPlugin({
      debug: true,
      jwt: credentials,
      GA: viewId,
      routeProvider() {
        return parseRoutes('.');
      // not sure what this does, I could make it work without it
      runtime: {
        delegate: false

Yap! it works :)
Works amazing.
Please update your guess-webpack docs and types.

@slavoroi would you open a PR to update what's missing?

yap ๐Ÿ‘