
Repo for the course Advanced Algorithms

Primary LanguageC++

####### Rules #########
- All Projects will be implemented in C++.

#### 1st project #####
Task for the first project:
- map reads with semi-global alignment (with windowing technique?) on large string
- implement Ukkonen trick
- compare standard vs Ukkonen vs razers3

What we have:
- FASTA files
- Genome (1 file)
- Lots of reads
- Read in Genome
- Reads as vectors

What we do:
- Smith Waterman semi-global alignment (modified)
- Using linear space (not having the whole matrix but only a part of it)
-- Need to figure out a way to do the backtracking!!!
- Using Ukkonen trick
- Using RazerS (as comparison) (we need the runtime)

Tips (Sandro):
- Avoid pointers where possible, use references (call by reference: T&ref)
- Only read string, do not write!
- creating dynamic programming matrix: more dimensional arrays in C++.. not helping => dynamic arrays
- use this: vector<vector<int>> with constructor (La, vector<int>(Lb))
can be accessed with blub[i][j]