
:diamonds: :clubs: NativeScript widget for Material Design CardView

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A NativeScript plugin to provide an XML widget to implement the Material Design CardView component.

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NativeScript 4x
  • tns plugin add nativescript-cardview
NativeScript 3x
  • tns plugin add nativescript-cardview@2.0.5
NativeScript 2.x
  • tns plugin add nativescript-cardview@1.3.2

Be sure to run a new build after adding plugins to avoid any issues. Here is a post with some details: Plugin Not Working after adding to project.


iOS note: Setting a background-color will help if you do not see the card on the page.

Plain NativeScript

IMPORTANT: Make sure you include xmlns:Card="nativescript-cardview" on the Page element


<Page xmlns:Card="nativescript-cardview">
      <Card:CardView class="cardStyle" margin="10" elevation="40" radius="5">
           <grid-layout rows="200, auto, auto" columns="auto, auto, *">
               <image src="~/images/batman.jpg" stretch="aspectFill" colSpan="3" row="0" />
               <label text="Batman wants to be friends?" class="info" textWrap="true" row="1" colSpan="3" />
               <button text="DECLINE" tap="goAway" row="2" col="0" />
               <button text="ACCEPT" row="2" col="1" />


.cardStyle {
    background-color: #3489db;
    color: #fff;

NativeScript + Angular

import { registerElement } from 'nativescript-angular/element-registry';
import { CardView } from 'nativescript-cardview';
registerElement('CardView', () => CardView);
<CardView class="cardStyle" margin="10" elevation="40" radius="1" >
	<GridLayout rows="10,30,30,250, auto, auto,10" columns="10,40, *, 30,10">
		<Image src="res://profile" stretch="aspectFit" verticalAlignment="stretch" col="1" row="1" rowSpan="2"></Image>
		<Label class="createdBy text-left" horizontalAlignment="left" [text]="item.CreatedBy" row="1" col="2" textWrap="true"></Label>
		<Label class="createdOn text-left" horizontalAlignment="left" [text]="item.UpdatedDate" row="2" col="2"></Label>
		<Image [src]="'https://img.youtube.com/vi/'+item.MediaURL+'/mqdefault.jpg'" stretch="aspectFit" colSpan="3" col="1" row="3"></Image>
		<Label horizontalAlignment="left" [text]="item.Title" colSpan="3" row="4" textWrap="true" col="1"></Label>
		<Label  horizontalAlignment="left" [text]="item.Summary" textWrap="true" col="1" row="5" colSpan="3"></Label>

NativeScript + Vue

import Vue from 'nativescript-vue';
Vue.registerElement('CardView', () => require('nativescript-cardview').CardView);
<card-view margin="10" elevation="40" radius="1">
    <label text="Hello World" />


  • radius optional

An attribute to control the 'border-radius' of the card.

Platform specific options


  • elevation optional

An attribute to set the elevation of the card. This will increase the 'drop-shadow' of the card. There can be some performance impact when using a very high elevation value.

  • ripple optional

Set to 'true' to show a ripple when the card is tapped. Tap event handlers in the card content will prevent the ripple.


  • shadowOffsetWidth optional

An attribute to offset the x position of the shadow behind the card.

  • shadowOffsetHeight optional

An attribute to offset the y position of the shadow behind the card.

  • shadowColor optional

An attribute to set the color of the shadow behind the card.

  • shadowOpacity optional

An attribute to set the opacity of the shadow behind the card.

  • shadowRadius optional

An attribute to set the radius of the shadow (shadow spread) behind the card.

The default values are set to:

radius = 2;
shadowOffsetWidth = 0;
shadowOffsetHeight = 2;
shadowColor = new Color('#000').ios
shadowOpacity = 0.4;
shadowRadius = 1;

Sample Screenshots


Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample1 Sample2


Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample1 Sample2


bradmartin NathanWalker manijak NathanaelA EddyVerbruggen sis0k0
bradmartin NathanWalker manijak NathanaelA EddyVerbruggen sis0k0
vladimirnani DickSmith JoffTiquez
vladimirnani DickSmith Jofferson Tiquez