
MC admin password is blank on clean install

rcarmo opened this issue · 15 comments

The login page states that the default password is "admin", but the field is actually blank and there are no instructions as to how to insert a properly salted password:

piku@piku-paas-242952:~/.node-red$ sqlite3 mission-control.sqlite 
SQLite version 3.31.1 2020-01-27 19:55:54
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select * from admins;
1|admin|||||||*|*|2022-08-07 12:37:18.707 +00:00|2022-08-07 12:37:18.707 +00:00

This is done on purpose to allow an easy discovery of the feature.

There's still no on-boarding flow, after the first login, to change the password, but it's easy: go to "admins" page, click "edit" button on the only admin and change the password.

It uses the same salt on Node-RED (settings.js -> credentialSecret).

I'll write some instructions (about env variables and stuff like this)

You missed the point: there is no way to do a first login with the password like that. I only discovered the field was empty after trying to login with admin/admin...

Yes admin/admin only works when the password is blank (and only if there's only one admin user with a blank password), were you able to log in with admin/admin?


It's working to me, if you try to delete (or rename) the mission-control.sqlite file, are you able to login? it should create a blank one

I tried that before diving into the sqlite file and filing the issue, with and without restarting Node-RED.

Everything seems to be installed correctly, and the version numbers pan out:


Also, I've checked the HTTP requests and everything seems OK - I see a POST going to /mc/login with username=admin&password=admin, it is handled correctly and I get a 302 back into the login page (I have Node-RED behind nginx, and can trace everything inside the box).

I'm sure it doesn't depend on the flow.json, perhaps it's a particular configuration of the settings.js, can you share it (removing all sensitive information) ->

I have the dashboard on /, otherwise no other configs - I use the same file everywhere, it is here:

Ok, I was able to reproduce, on it

Ok for some strange reason is due to this in settings.js

httpAdminRoot: '/admin',

Comment it out and it works, latest version of node-red works on /admin by default, I'll work on a fix.

Thanks for the feedback and for reporting

I think I've a fix, need some time for proper testing, I'll merge later tomorrow.

Thanks for the feedback 🖖

This is fixed in 1.0.5

Will upgrade in the next couple of days, thanks